Friday, August 31, 2012

Noodles and veggies bento

This cute bento box came to work with me a week or two ago. It holds dinner leftovers of noodles and veggies. I added more sauce. In the other tier are olives, radishes, a few slices of pork, square rice balls, and Hello Kitty condiment bottle filled with dried seaweed and salt.

I'm surprised I don't have a good picture of the outside of my fish box - something I'll have to rectify.


  1. I have this one too... along with the black matching one... ahem... VERY very cute indeed :D

    1. It comes with a little fork. So darling! I haven't bought a new box in quite awhile. I think I may have to rectify that too. :)

  2. yep, definitely need to see a better picture of this fishy box. :) can it go in the microwave? (wondering about heating up the noodles and sauce)

    1. The noodles must be warmed and I can never remember what boxes can be microwaved or not. (Maybe Sheri knows???) So I just put in a bowl and zap it. I know that takes the romance out of the whole cute bento box thing, but like I said the noodles must be warmed!

    2. definitely noodles must be warmed! and ditto on the comment below this "you are awesome" - you are. keep up the bentos. it reminds me I want to make more of them. :)

  3. where do you recommend getting a good deal on bento stuff? I'm starting cheap with divided containers and silicon muffin cups. I'm excited about even that! I need a good source though. I went to the Kitchen Collection in A town, and they guy there DID NOT KNOW WHAT BENTO WAS!!! Can you believe that!!!?? Also, how do I see all your bento pics? are awesome ;)

    1. Thanks ladyoz! I see you're off and running with your bentos. Congrats! Once you start looking for small containers and bento sized items, they will pop up everywhere, and then your kitchen will be swallowed up by cuteness and picks haha. Regarding my bento pictures, I thought I had a Flickr badge on this blog, but I don't. I will fix that, but in meantime, there is a Flickr badge on Judy's Notebook (there is a linked above on the right). The set is called Bento.

  4. Thanks! Also, I saw this cute kitty bento box in SF, it's adorable!
