Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two Boxes

I received some new bento gear from Japan the other day. These two lovely boxes are just the right size for a small lunch for me. The fish came with a cute little fork and the upper tier has a snap down lid like tupperware. The round flower came with a padded velcro strap presumably because an elastic band would slip off too easily because of the roundness.

I don't know if you can tell but in the upper right-hand corner is a sesame seed grinder, well it is the box that the grinder came in. I've already used the grinder on teri-chicken. However I think I'll toast the seed first for a stronger flavor. It is a handy device although a mortar and pestle would work too.

The boxes are from J-List and the grinder is from Japanistic.


  1. I love kingyo! You have the best collection, Judy. "Just the most perfect pieces" seems to be your style.

  2. I'm with the kingyo as I have a collection of them in my pond!

    Well... truth be told, I love all your bento boxes. :)
